• Sajid Ali Khan

    Microsoft Student Partner From Islamabad

    About MSP
  • mspNotes

    A Place of my Technical Activites

  • Microsoft Student Partner

    Microsoft Islamabad



Microsoft Student Partner

Sajid Ali Khan is an active Microsoft Student Partner in Islamabad

Sajid Ali Khan is developing Smart Apps and demos for Microsoft Platform. Demonstrating the newest technologies and hosting tech events. Acquiring the tools and training to lead technology discussions at campus and outside. Connect with like-minded students and faculty around the world. Attending training from Microsoft leaders to enhance knowledge about cutting edge technologies.

The Vision

All activities are perform to spread the technology around. Get everyone familiar with latest technologies. Be the part of building my Nation Strong. Make my Nation higher in technical filed & make it parrallel to other successful Nations.


Spend time in meetings with like minded people as well as new immergers in technology. Set Plans and Get Motivation in the meetings with technology leaders and implement Plans accordingly around the society.


Professional Workshops are the great way to jumpstart in some technology. So take workshops from technology mentors to dive in to great technologies. Further, Great Dev Workshops organized around the society with time to time to spread technology differently and strongly in limited time.

The MSP Activities are performed accordingly with time as per Schedule...



Work Under These Great Technology Mentors

My Supervisors are always with me whenever I need them. Provide their full support in my every activity. They are working on my tech & non-tech skills that lead me to become great technical guy who work for his people...


September 12th—December 30th

The First Phase of MSP activities was start in the second week of September. After the great Orientation from Microsoft at HEC Headquarter Islamabad. As there were no ground established at campus so it was very different to perform day to day activities. The First Phase were totally consume to established a ground to perform activities...

MSP Interview

Selected As MSP

MSP Orientation
HEC Headquarter, Islamabad

Online Workshop on MVA

Session with Technology Mentors

Microsoft, Islamabad

Online Workshop on MVA

Meetings with higher officials of Campus
International Islamic University Islamabad

Online Session on MVA

Game Dev Session

Video Conference Room, Central Library.

Participate in Visual Spark

Comsats Wah Cantt

Campus Day


Online Session on MVA

Mid-Term Exams of Semester

Online Session on MVA

XAMARIN &Microsoft Azure Workshops

from Microsoft at Air University Islamabad

Online Session on MVA

Meeting with Microsoft Mentors

Meeting with GSO-I for HOC

Online Session on MVA

Microsoft Campus Day 2015

Project Blue Print Challenge

Imagine Cup 2015

Meeting with Head of Institutes

for HOC Sessions

Participate in ExcITeCup 2014

MAJU, Islamabad in Software Exhibition

HOC First Two Sessions.

MSP Summit

HOC Last Two Sessions


First Meeting Internationally


JumpStart Session on C#


Online Workshop on Web Dev

December 31st—February 28th

The Second Phase of MSP was quite challenging. After the great hard work at campus an environment were produce at the end of first semester. But due to some bad circumstances in country all campuses were off for long time. Hence on its consequences I was need to perform many things from the beginning. My technical sessions were also cancelled due to bad circumstances.
After the break when I reset everything then this time things go quite easily. Finally I start my dev sessions at campus. Still struggle in my technical ground. Blockage remain exist upto the end of sprint...

Software Dev Certification Exam.

Launch My Blog


UX Challenge

Image Cup


Meetings with Head of Societies at Campus

Final Exams of Semester.

World Wide MSP Call

KIPI Challenge

Microsoft Virtual Academy

National App Competition Session

Bahria University Islamabad.

Online Session on MVA

DEV Session-I at Campus

DEV Session-II

World Wide MSP Call

Visual Studio & Universal Apps Session

KIPI Ranking,

Ending with the Standing as 5th Pakistani in Leader Board.

Online Session on MVA

March 01st—June 30th

The Third Phase of MSP is the last phase. Its the chance to end historically. Show such a performance that make a great applause for me forever. Working on Technical as well as non-technical grounds with full momentum. My great supervisors are with me and taking great work from me. I'm following their commands and overcoming upon my weaknesses. Due to many things go out of plan, might not able to get the major goal which I set in the start. Will try, try and keep trying and fight will the end. The Final Sprint will decide the future of mine...

Online Session on MVA

UX Workshop by Microsoft Mentor

Interview Call from Microsoft Seattle.

Discribe Later On...


Workshops & Training

  • Azure Workshop

    Speaker: Usman Ur Rahmad Ahmed

    Education Seminar

    Air University Islamabad

    Take An Important and valuable Workshop supervised by Usman Ur Rahman Ahmed (Microsoft Official). It was his last Workshop as speaker, so he give his best. He introduce us from almost all aspects of Microsoft Azure.

  • Windows App Dev

    Speaker: Bob Tabor

    HTML5 & CSS3

    Channel 9

    Bob Tabor gives a great online session on Windows App Development. During the session he cover Universal Apps and the different ways and techniques to develop modern Windows Apps that run on all platforms.

  • UX Session

    Speaker: Usman Ur Rahman Ahmed

    jQuery Master Class

    Online Session through Microsoft Lync from MIC-Lahore

    Usman Ur Rahman Ahmed give an important session on UX. As student developers are quite weaker in UX Designs of Apps. Through the session speaker printout the apps issues and describe who to improve UX Designs of Apps.


Being MSP, Major Focus of My Tech Activities Is To Make Great Change At

International Islamic University Islamabad.

The place mentioned above is the best place where one can rise from the ashes. Yeah right, International Islamic University Islamabad is one of the best and one of the exclusive institute of Islamic World. This is most unique place of its kind. A great city of education & knowledge that is hidden in the heart of the Capital City of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Due to its simplicity most of the people still don't familiar with this great institution. But Due to the great traditions here students enjoy life here as their best part of life. Researchers & Developers can perform above than their limits. Almost every type of departments & faculty is available here. So knowledge seeker found this not less than heaven. Professors are available for full time who cooperate from every prospective. Most of the students who join here not have strong background of their relevant fields but due to great Professors & environment when they passout they stand among best of their field and lead their fields. That is the reason that every third person in any type of industry and market belongs to this institute. Due to some strong decisions by top management, soon it will be found among world top universities.

Work Places


To work on a Project with full concentration, Institution provides great place where one can work peacefully and utilize his abilities to launch a great Innovative Project. And work more than its limit. So Major Workplace is Campus where I perform all major tasks to make my self strong in tech field.

Microsoft Islamabad

In order to jumpstart with latest technology, Take great sessions from technology leads to organize my skills according to latest trends. Microsoft Organize great tech events with time to time make me and other upcoming mentors string in our fields...

Home WorkPlace

My Home WorkPlace is the place where I perform all required tasks. I tried to make myself useful for all people living around me. Whenever people required my technical skills then I always support them on whatever they want from me...

Supervisors Nearby

Dr Zulqarnain Hashmi

Department of CS & SE. FBAS, IIUI
Phone: (000) 000-0000

Usman Ur Rahman Ahmed

DX (AMM). Microsoft
Phone: (000) 000-0000

Engineer I. A. Khan

Officers Colony. Wah Cantt.
Phone: (000) 000-0000

Tools & Techniques

Being Innovative Guy, Work on Innovative Technologies

In this Innovative World, to keep my self ready for big challenges, working on Innovative Technology. Perhaps competition is very high, demands more and more effort from me with time to stand in the Row...

Main Stakeholders



Important Progress

  • December11

    Tech Sessions in Schools

    News Image

    Being MSP, Spreading technology around the Society. During the second week of December visit number of educational institutes on the platform of HOC to spread technology at Home Place...

  • February16

    Dev Sessions At Campus

    News Image

    As my main focus is International Islamic University Islamabad. So after long wait finally start dev sessions at Campus. A great response was get from participants...

  • February27

    Struggling in My Innovative Apps

    News Image

    As working alone so Blockage is continue from last few days. Unable to unfreeze Apps after the Exams. Now FYP is ready to start. So really struggling with Apps. Now some magic is need in this limited time...

Get In Touch


  • You have a tech idea which you want to discuss.
  • You have a project, that I can help to implement.
  • You have a relevant work from me.
  • You want me to speak in a tech session.
  • You want you or your business to be vivid individuality.
  • There is a wish to get me involved in some innovative work or co-work.
  • You just want to say "Hi!".

  • Then

  • The best and the most comfortable way to talk to me is to send me an email to:Sajid.AliKhan@studentpartner.com
  • Please, point out the agenda, what goals do you set, what's the event/issue and what time & work you want from me.
  • I'll get back to you in 24 hours with my availability and we'll discuss the details.

  • ELSE

  • By the way, I use Microsoft-Lync & Skype, and have profiles at social networks like:twitter, Linkedin, facebook, Google+

  • +Plus

  • You can meet me in Lab any time @ Campus...
  • Sajid Ali Khan | Microsoft Student Partner

    Software Engineering Final Semester Student | International Islamic University Islamabad

    Sajid Ali Khan is an active Microsoft Student Partner and Software Engineering Final Semester Student in Islamabad. Developing Smart Apps and demos for Microsoft Platform. Demonstrating the newest technologies and hosting tech events. Acquiring the tools and training to lead technology discussions at campus and outside. Connect with like-minded students and faculty around the world. Attending training from Microsoft leaders to enhance knowledge about cutting edge technologies. Has complete focus to become a successful Software Entrepreneur. Getting skills of every relevant field—from Professional Development to Socially communication with everyone. He Follow Dr. A. Q. Khan & Steve Jobs, want to work for his people like them and make his nation parallel to other successful nations. People found him as the game changer. The Rebel. The Troublemaker. The once who see things differently. While some may see him as the crazy once. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.